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Fish Balls

Thursday, August 13, 20090 comments

Those white beauties are called the Fish balls. This street food is a classic! and it may be the first one to exist in the deep-fried street-food world in the Philippines. They are not really shaped like a ball, they're shape are more likely to be like that of a flat-shaped ball. It is made from fish meat that has been finely pulverized. It is somewhat flat in shape and most often made from the meat of cuttlefish or pollock. It is usually served with a sweet and spicy sauce or with a thick black sweet and sour sauce. It is a common snack food that is sold by mobile fryer stands and street corner food courts in many towns and cities.

Fish balls in the Philippines are sold by street vendors pushing mobile deep frying carts. They are usually served with a choice of three kinds of dipping sauces: Sour (pale orange colored) - vinegar, water, diced onions and garlic, Sweet (brown gravy colored) - corn starch, banana catsup, sugar and salt, and Hot/Sour (amber or deeper orange colored) - the sour variety with lots of small hot chilis added.
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